Creative Internships and Residences

Self-teaching and peer-to-peer learning are two of the most important types of learning which take place among Arts and Humanities researchers1. This normally involves learning specific skills from colleagues and team members working together.

Capitalising on these findings, our creative internships and residencies aim to give organisations and individuals the chance to acquire digital skills through experience-based learning opportunities that mirror this workplace learning.

These experiences differ from formal learning as they involve moving beyond the classroom to interactively develop skills, perspective, understanding, knowledge, and savvy for the realities of the world of work.

We are particularly interested in developing skills which are relevant to industries beyond public sector organisations. For instance, creative and digital industries are linked to the areas of research pertinent to the arts and humanities. Hence our internships engage with a wide range of organisations to identify a project or an issue to investigate where individuals can develop a core of marketable skills, such as communication, time management, self-confidence, and self-motivation, to meet the wider requirements of the industry.

The following internships are taking/have taken place:

If you are interested in participating as a stakeholder in our creative internships and residencies, please contact us at


  1. Software Sustainability Institute (2022) Shaping Data and Software Policy in the Arts and Humanities Research Community. A Study for the AHRC. July 2022. Last Accessed in December 2022. Accessed on: